As a community, we must stop the proposed development of a 90-foot tall apartment building at Bruce Monroe Park. Bruce Monroe Park is an asset to our community – it is used and valued by all. We can’t afford to lose this valuable green space, which includes basketball courts, tennis courts, a playground, pavilion, dog park and community garden. The community has invested in this park, and it is used and loved by the whole neighborhood.

Friends of Bruce Monroe Park understand that Park Morton must be redeveloped, but not at the expense of this community asset, especially now in the time of a global pandemic. D.C. has other options for redevelopment of Park Morton. The city must meet the needs of Park Morton families. This is not an issue of choosing Park Morton redevelopment OR keeping the Bruce Monroe Community Park. There are alternative options to redevelop Park Morton and keep Bruce Monroe Park.
The city of D.C. must:
1. Meet Park Morton families immediate needs now and support the Park Morton Equity Plan to make the Wren the new build first site for Park Morton. Please sign the petition to guarantee TOPA/DOPA rights and first right to return to Park Morton residents.
2. Take Bruce Monroe Park off the table for redevelopment, and maintain this valued green space for the community. This means stopping the proposal in the 2020 DC Comprehensive Plan to zone Bruce Monroe as commercial space and keep the future land use as Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS).
3. Reconsider alternative development sites or development of a number existing vacant properties on Georgia Ave instead.
The Zoning Commission Special Public Hearing is October 19, 2021 at 4 PM. You can watch live using the below information. Neighbors have signed up to testify in opposition to the development. You can reach out to Councilmember Brianne Nadeau at 202-724-8181 to express your concerns as well!
Public Hearing Notice: Click here
Join the WebEx Meeting Online: Click here
Password (Online): DCOZ
Call into the WebEx Meeting: +1 (650) 479-3208
Access Code (Phone): 2303 592 0686
Watch on YouTube Live: Click here
Have Twitter? Check out videos of the public speaking out against development.
The Mayor’s Office of Planning is working to pass the 2020 DC Comprehensive Plan and our community MUST step up to stop this. The Plan zones Bruce Monroe Park as commercial zoning, making it impossible to fight the redevelopment.
PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR NEIGHBORS IMPACTED BY FUTURE PARK REDEVELOPMENT TO TESTIFY LIVE OR PROVIDE WRITTEN TESTIMONY PRIOR TO THE HEARING. The hearing on this legislation will take place on Thursday, November 12 (10:00 am) and Friday, November 13, 2020 (9:00 am). Testimony can be written, transcribed, or given live at the hearing. More information on how to provide written testimony or sign up to testify in person can be found on Chairman Phil Mendelson’s Comprehensive Plan Amendment Act of 2020 resources page.
Write to your councilmember to demand that green spaces are valued in this city. Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne Nadeau has made her support of the redevelopment of Bruce Monroe Park clear in a recent statement issued regarding the Court of Appeals Decision on Park Morton Public Housing Replacement.
Donate to Friends of Bruce Monroe and help maintain this important green space.
Put a sign in your yard to raise awareness of the proposed 90-foot tall apartment building that will replace the green space currently at Bruce Monroe Community Park. Contact us at [email protected] for a sign!