ENCOURAGE NEIGHBORS IMPACTED BY BRUCE MONROE PARK REDEVELOPMENT TO TESTIFY LIVE OR PROVIDE WRITTEN TESTIMONY AGAINST PARK REDEVELOPMENT. Submit written testimony by December 3 at 5:00PM on Comprehensive Plan Amendment Act of 2020 webpage. The window to sign up to testify live has passed.

The hearing on this legislation will take place on Thursday, November 12 (10:00 am) and Friday, November 13, 2020 (9:00 am). Click here to watch the hearing live.
The Mayor is seeking to dramatically change the Plan, essentially a rewrite, largely because the D.C. Appeals court has recently granted DC residents relief from harmful development projects based on arguments that center on violations of the Comprehensive Plan.
This plan will zone Bruce Monroe Community Park for commercial zoning, making it impossible to fight the redevelopment. Please submit testimony or sign up to testify and:
- Stress to the committee the importance of maintaining this important green space especially during a global pandemic;
- Highlight support for the resident developed Park Morton Equity Plan; and
- Tell the committee to take Bruce Monroe Community Park off the table for redevelopment and make Bruce Monroe’s future land use as Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS).
DC Grassroots Planning Coalition (DCGPC) website has additional information about the Comprehensive Plan.